Follow your dreams
"Follow your dream",this is the most abused phrase in the preachers manual.As motivational as it sounds , I never understood this phrase.It could be me speaking for myself , but my dreams are in a constant state of churn.Wanted to be a doctor,a scientist,join NASA and what not.On the contrary ,ended up selling spices, fruits and enzymes . My dreams were more materialistic in nature.Dreamt about a Ford Ecosport , followed my dream and got one at a stage in life when I could barely afford a second hand maruti 800.Outcome , broke..followed other dreams too , closed an FD and bought an iPhone,manoeuvred bosses through laughing at their most ridiculously flat jokes day in and day out to get that dream promotion...and many more.Dreams were those status deliverables ; good car,good phone, great designation. So what could the preacher have meant..what was his intention when he said this..was he only thinking of the destination which is the "dream" and not the effort which ...